She Declared War

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When we gain a true relationship with GOD, and KNOW his word, we fight our battles differently!!!!!

•No need in trying to get someone back that wronged you ~Romans 12:19 (weapon);

•There is no reason in being envious when someone is BLESSED before you ~Ecclesiastes 3:1(weapon);

•Trust GOD even when you don’t understand what he has allowed in your life ~Romans 8:28 (weapon);

•Know the words you speak, decide how your day will go ~Proverbs 18:21 (weapon);

•When you don’t know which way to turn in your life ~ Proverbs 3:6 (weapon).

•Make sure your HEART pleases GOD ~ 1 Sameul 16:7 (weapon)

LESSON: God has equipped you with the weapons needed to battle, USE THEM!!!!! Ephesians 6:11-18🎯😩💯