She Declared War

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<a href="">“CLOSURE”….not always the answer!</a>

CLOSURE - that explaination; that apology; that why me; that understanding!!!!

Have you ever said,
“I need CLOSURE” in a situation (whatever you have faced or currently facing) before I can move forward in life. Speaking from the view point of a nurse....some wounds must be left open in order to heal.

•Closing an infected wound will make the infection worse. Causing more illness( hate, envy, jealousy, vengeance, judgement, etc). WHEW. 


•I can remember trying to get healing from the very people/person I knew left me wounded. #ClosureToAnInfectedWound

•I can remember waiting on that apology, that never came, which in return caused me live life bitter....NO PEACE. #ClosureToAnInfectedWound

•I can remember posting indirect messages about friendships, relationship, and folk, to let them know they hurt me, hoping they would apologize. #ClosureToAnInfectedWound

•I can remember rereading every text (friendship/relationship) to try to figure out what went wrong. #ClosureToAnInfectedWound

•I can remember stalking their social media to gain will only made things worse. #ClosureToAnInfectedWound

Lessons I learned : TRUST GOD and what he allows

•Whether you get an apology/reason or not, it doesn’t change the wound, nor the healing process. 

•Closure isn’t a need, it’s something we THINK we need. If the wound isn’t closed, there is a reason. 

Every time you pick at your wound, is another day of stalled healing. 

You don’t need CLOSURE to every wound. Sometimes you need the prolonged healing for GROWTH! 

Instead of focusing on the wound itself, focus on the HEALER and what he’s telling you.

Scripture - “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Exercise: What past experience, trial, hurtful word, or person is still harmfully affecting your life today?