Sometimes a "NO" from GOD, is actually “Thee” BLESSING👀🙌🏾.
Have you ever wanted something so bad (friendship, Marriage/Relationship, job, house, money, certain lifestyle, etc.)in the past/present....and wondered "WHY" it hasn’t happened yet👀🤷🏽♀️.....Or, regardless of knowing it wasn’t for you, went for it anyway, and it didn’t work out. 🙋🏽♀️ #GodSaidNo #HisProtection #SometimesWeAreNotReady
✨When GOD says “NO”…’s for your good ~Romans8:28✨
Transparency….While dating my husband I can remember thinking…..”this man is not for me” because he didn’t fit the script (picture) I had in my head of what I wanted I wanted in a man. What I wanted for me, (and went for 👀) GOD blocked, and I wondered WHY🤷🏽♀️. I wanted them though. GOD knew what I needed more than me. A man who loved Him 1st, loved my kids as his own, a provider, and so on. WHEW….See…..GOD’s “NO” for what Nedra wanted was actually my BLESSING. I sometimes look back and say, "THANK YOU JESUS for saving me from me."😬🙌🏾 #TrustHim #HeKnowsBest
**Just b/c it’s (the friendship, the relationship, the job, the house, etc) not packaged how you want, doesn’t mean it’s YOUR blessing.** DON’T return to sender before opening!🎯