Let’s talk INTEGRITY

God’s plan for your life will never come with you compromising who you are. 

My reading : Proverbs 10:9 NLT. “People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed.”

Integrity = Honesty

Let’s talk about this scripture: 

“People with integrity walk safely” •When you live your life honestly, nothing to hide, there is nothing people can hold over your head. See, I know Nedra past, and I’m ok with it. So I’m not concerned about anyone running a background check on me. I know what it has on it.

 “But those who follow crooked paths will be exposed” .....🤔 •So, this is saying, when you alter the truth; you will be found out. When you lie about who you really are, it’ll be found out. When you misrepresent yourself, it will be found out. 

You don’t want to live this way......Always having to look over your shoulder. Always being anxious when you’re questioned about your loyalty to a friendship or relationship, wondering if this time you will caught. Anxious because you’re wondering if today is the day folk will find out you lied when you testified or that you aren’t really living the life you “post” to live on social media. 

•Live your TRUTH. Be YOU and be ok if you’re not being everyone’s cup of tea ☕️

•Never compromise your integrity to fit in a place you’re meant to STAND OUT! 


The WORK begins in you! 


Your SEASON may change….. GOD remains the same
