Have you ever made a poor decision or mistake (unfaithful to your mate, dishonest, betrayed a friend, took a job you regret, chose a career path you don’t enjoy, Poor parenting decisions, poor financial decisions, etc) in your life? I HAVE 🙋🏽♀️.....and if you’re human, you have too.
After that “poor” decision was made, did you take ownership or blame someone else to soothe your conscience. .....I BLAMED everybody, but Nedra.
In Genesis 3:11-12......GOD asked Adam if he ate the fruit. His reply was, “The woman you gave me, gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” He placed the blame on Eve. NAH, hold up Adam, she ain’t stuff it down your throat though.....We all do this.....🙄
Blaming others allows you to maintain victimhood!!!!
Transparency: I had to STOP blaming others for what happened and trying to avoid admitting my faults. In order to BE FREE, I had to OWN me! Yes, I made that poor choice. Yes, it was not God’s will for me. Yes, I sinned. But.....just as GOD made beauty come from the horror of the cross, He will make something beautiful out of all of my choices if I seek him. 💪🏽
Note📝: When we “OWN” our choices, we can receive God’s grace and also learn from what happened. But if we refuse to face our faults and sins, we won’t learn, we won’t grow, and we won’t fully know the power of God in our lives. #GROWTH
Scriptures :
(1 John 1:9)If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”
(2 Corinthians 5:17), Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
Lesson: Be free and OWN your truth!!
Transparency‼️......Nedra was once (years ago) the girl that wanted to please everyone around her, even if it meant, changing who I really was!
Lesson Learned on my Journey...... BE YOU......don’t trade who you really are, for who you think people (friends, family, church members, social media) want you to be; just to be loved/liked, for who you're NOT. Being fake, takes work....it’s draining. I promise, the right people will LOVE you, just the way you are, and you’ll know it......Trust Me❤️😊
#HappySaturday #Empowerment #GratefulForGrowth #MyStrugglesMoldedMe #NowIMustHelpAnother #Authentic #UnAshamed
Who are you surrounded by?🤔
Not the negative, the messy, the jealous, the envious, or the selfish.....think about it. EVALUATE your surroundings. We can easily soak up what we are submerged in if we’re not careful. Don’t be a SPONGE 🧽‼️
#ChooseWisely #BeTheTypeYouWantToBeAround #LessonILearned
Happy Wednesday 😊
Are you Connected…..?
I have NEVER faced a battle/challenge in my life that is not spoken of in the word of GOD. God knew my life will be a challenge and that I would struggle in many areas….But…..He also gave me what I needed to battle.
What CONNECTION does - When I’m afraid I read Psalm 91. When I get anxious I read Philippians 4:6-7. When I’m worried about needs being met, I read Philippians 4:19. When I get impatient when something will happen in my life I read Ecclesiastes 3:1. In moments of insecurity I read 2 Corinthians 5:7. My list can go on and on......This is why His Word has become my primary source of strength, peace and comfort.
Many times we look at the Bible as just another book, a Sunday morning go to, an obligation during our storms, or simply boring. But it’s so much more.
Lesson: Picking up your bible/bible app and studying HIS word is your source to CONSISTENT PEACE..USE IT✨🤞🏽
Are you BATTLE ready?
Hey ladies, “Are you PREPARED for battle?”
Believe it or not, we face battle daily.
1 Peter 5:8 AMP says ~ “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.”
With this scripture in mind..... Remember the enemy wants to rid of your joy, your peace, your relationships and most def your faith in God.
Because we know the enemy’s plan, we need to be BATTLE ready.
How do I prepare myself for battle?
•Start your day early, creating peace with WORSHIP.
•Go to your WAR room, spend some time studying his word
•Complete your daily devotionals
Don’t wait until trials come to build up your spiritual muscle, stay prepared!!!!!
Tell me how will you strengthen your relationship with GOD?
Iron Sharpens Iron
Transparency - A couple months ago, I had someone tell me a fact about myself that I had to accept.....it was true. Because, I knew it was true, my FLESH wanted to protect my feelings and become defensive.
Hold on NEDRA, let’s think about this.....🖐🏽
LESSON - God will place certain people in our lives to help us become better. Proverbs 27:17 compares it iron sharpening iron. Is it comfortable? NO INDEED, but it’s the very thing that will make us wiser. I encourage you to listen and connect with WISE (sharp🔪) counsel not that Unwise (butter knife) counsel.
• Own your truth even when you don’t want to hear it, and allow God to use that situation to grow you into the woman He is calling you to be.
📝 Note - Pray for discernment (the ability to judge well) so that you’ll know whose the WISE counsel in your life. Don’t miss it because it’s not coming from who you think it should come from. Everyone that knows scriptures aren’t meant to lead you! !!!!🎯
Question to ask self....Are there any hard truths I need to accept about myself?
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